Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall serve as the primary decision making body for homeless funding and planning activities in Monmouth County. The committee is charged with setting local priorities, making funding recommendations, overseeing the homeless service system in Monmouth County, and oversight and implementation of the Monmouth County Strategic Plan to End Homelessness
Nominating Committee
The Nominating committee shall be responsible for expanding the membership of the Homeless System Collaborative. The committee shall work to identify new individuals and agencies in the community that have a unique perspective to bring to the homeless planning process. The committee shall work to solicit new membership to HSC. In addition to expanding membership, the committee shall be responsible for overseeing the larger membership to ensure HSC members act in accordance with the by-laws.
Coordinated Systems Committee
The Coordinated Systems Committee will be responsible for establishing a single point of entry system as outlined in the Monmouth County Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.
Permanent Housing Committee
The Permanent Housing Committee will be responsible for implementing the strategies identified in the Monmouth County Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness for increasing the supply of permanent, affordable and safe housing in the community. The committee will work to implement innovative housing models as defined in the plan and assist in the establishment of the Housing Placement Agency.
Discharge Planning Committee
The Discharge Planning Committee will work to implement polices and protocols for the discharge of persons from publicly funded institutions or systems of care in order to prevent such discharge from immediately resulting in homelessness. The committee will work to implement the strategies around discharge planning as outlined in the Monmouth County Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.
PHC/PIT Committee
The PHC/PIT Committee shall be responsible for the annual Point-In-Time survey and associated Project Homeless Connect events. The committee will coordinate all activities and planning associated with completing the PIT and PHC events within the HUD defined timeframe.
Data Committee
The Data Committee shall work to improve data collection and data quality in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in order to ensure all planning activities are grounded in data. The committee shall review data collection processes, develop collection policies, evaluate agency participation and ensure the highest level of coverage for HMIS data. In addition the committee shall offer training opportunities and work with participating agencies to improve data quality.
Veteran’s Committee
The Veteran’s Committee shall work to end veteran’s homelessness in Monmouth County. This shall be accomplished through expanding knowledge of veteran specific services, improving coordination of available services and completing case conferencing in an effort to resolve homeless for every homeless veteran identified in Monmouth County.
All HSC committee meetings take place at the Monmouth County Agriculture Building (Ag Building), 4000 Kozloski Road, Freehold, NJ
Please note that as of now all upcoming meetings will be held virtually and registration information will be posted prior to the upcoming meeting.
Please register for Monmouth Executive Committee Meeting on March 4th, 2025 at 9 AM EST at:
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.