Monmouth HSC Centralized Intake System

January 21, 2025


Prevention Services

The Monmouth County HSC is working to streamline access to services for those at risk of homelessness or currently experiencing homelessness.  In order to better serve those who are at imminent risk of homelessness, the Monmouth County HSC has adopted a new policy for referring individuals and families at risk of homelessness to prevention services.

Prevention Services Referral Procedures:

  • All agencies encountering individuals and families seeking prevention services should complete the Prevention Pre-screening Tool.
  • Upon completion of the Prevention Pre-Screening Tool, agencies should complete the Prevention Referral Form.
  • Agencies may visit Monmouth Resource Net to learn more about agencies/programs offering prevention services in Monmouth County and their basic eligibility criteria.
  • Upon identifying appropriate programs for referral, agencies must obtain signatures on a release of information form. (The release of information form may be the agency’s standard form or you may use the CoC approved release of information form attached)
  • The referral package submitted to the appropriate prevention programs/agencies must include:
    1. Release of Information Form
    2. Referral Form
    3. Prevention Pre – Screening Tool
  • For those households identified as High Risk from the Prevention Pre-Screening Tool, the referral process should include a “Warm Hand-off” which must include a direct call or email to the program to which you are referring the household identifying the pending referral and high risk status. The “Warm Hand-off” may also include transportation to the agency to which the household has been referred or other direct services to ensure the household is connected to the prevention program successfully.

Prevention Pre-Screening Tool

Prevention Referral Form

Standard Prevention Release of Information Form

Prevention Policies